
Five Strategies For Combating Fatigue Among Remote Employees

You found our guide on how to beat work from home fatigue in virtual offices. “I think it depends on the person, the work they do and stage of career,” Andeen, 54, said of how best to structure hybrid work. That’s pretty much the playbook at Chicago-based law firm Chapman and Cutler. Sarah Andeen heads the firm’s library and research services for attorneys working in several states. The firm’s basic policy on remote work isn’t a one-size-fits-all but rather is based on the department’s and clients’ needs and expectations. Still, a lot of bosses remain wary of even partial remote work, fearing it’ll weaken their company’s culture, mentoring traditions and timely decision-making.

Studies show that what employees miss the most about being in the office for work are the people. A sense of connection between peers can help minimize the monotony and isolation remote working fatigue remote workers experience. Intense eye contact – It’s to do with the amount of eye contact required on video calls and the sizes of the faces that appear on the screen.

Build productive remote teams

In the fast-evolving landscape of remote work, adaptability is the name of the game. As we’ve journeyed through the myriad challenges faced by remote workers, it’s become abundantly clear that embracing change is the key to success in this digital age. The workplace is transforming, and with it, our perceptions of traditional office dynamics. Remote work’s popularity is soaring, and it’s not hard to see why.

  • Remember folks, for every cigarette you smoke, God takes a minute of your life and gives it to Keith Richards.
  • Many of us were abruptly forced to adopt it at the start of the pandemic; we didn’t have any choice.
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  • Consider whether all the people you’ve invited to a meeting really need to be there.

During on-hours, work exclusively in this space, and do not visit this area off the clock. Another tactic is to maintain a strict “quitting time,” and log off at a designated hour. This limitation may force you to practice better time management, instead of procrastinating because you know you have the option of working later.

Remote working fatigue and how to reduce and manage it

Pomodoro is a well-known technique to help people enter, and stay in, a “flow state”, where their creative and productive output is at its highest. Of course, it’s almost the opposite of a traditional office setup where managers try to make people work for several hours without a break. While employers can’t neutralize every negative aspect of working from home, there are things that both employer and employee can do to alleviate or reduce the strain of remote working. Here we provide seven different ways to overcome burnout and fatigue. During video calls, people report feeling trapped in one spot so they can stay within view of the webcam, increasing stress levels. And mental health doesn’t stop at counseling services; you should also have apps or subscriptions for meditation, mindfulness and exercise in your toolkit to help your employees cope with stress in a healthier way.

remote work fatigue

A better approach is to plan ongoing team building activities before morale drops. Having recurring dates for activities on the calendar creates a sense of normalcy around the occasion. The recurring nature of the events means that team members do not feel pressured to attend any one outing, yet reminders and RSVP’s create a sense of accountability that encourages employees to attend.

Best Ways to Beat Work From Home Fatigue in 2024

As a result, a lot of remote professionals around the world report feeling drained and depleted at the end of the day like they’ve never been before and yet feeling they did not get any actual job done. Video conferencing tools have become the default platforms for socially distanced human interaction, especially for many people who once worked in offices. Some companies are now making commitments to offer remote work as an option even after the pandemic ends.

To reduce eye strain, which is one measurable effect of Zoom fatigue on the ZEF scale, Nickerson uses an orange filter on her screen. Many video conferencing tools default to showing users their own video window, and the researchers found that this constant, real-time reflection can cause what’s known as mirror anxiety. This condition is a stressful self-consciousness that causes distractions and that has been linked to increased anxiety and depression. There are a variety of socially distanced events that your team might find fun. Now that summer’s here, consider planning outings such as virtual happy hours, a socially distanced picnic with games at the park or a beach day.

Caffeine, stress, and sugar are a bad mix; caffeine can make anxiety worse, mess up your digestive system, lead to more sweating, urination, and so on. Energy drinks are the worst offenders, although many of us enjoy them. They often contain loads of caffeine and loads of sugar, both of which can have nasty side-effects when combined with stress. And I won’t even waste time explaining why spicing up your morning coffee with a cigarette is bad.

However, remote workers may also work longer hours, have to share workspaces with family or roommates, and feel disconnected from the rest of the company. Add in a lack of physical activity and social interaction, pains from having wrong equipment, staring at screens, and it is easy to see how remote workers can get fatigued. And there’s some evidence that companies offering greater flexibility to workers may achieve better financial results. As remote workers, it’s essential that we take charge of our professional destinies. Finding a balance that works for us, both in terms of maintaining a healthy work-life equilibrium and addressing common remote work challenges proactively, is imperative.

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